Quality Control /

Find out more about our Quality Control Standards


TSSDC-Quality control has central quality control lab at TSSDC Ltd., Jeedimetla unit, Ranga Reddy dist., operating since 1992, recognized and approved seed testing lab, by Government of India.
1 The seed samples for testing vigor (Germination), Purity and moisture, sent by District(unit) offices, comprising of Nirmal, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Rangareddy, Warangal, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda and Khammam are analysed by quality control seed officer who is incharge of the seed testing lab, and communicate the results to the concerned units, as per the prescribed Indian Minimum seed certification standards both in Kharif and Rabi seasons, The quality control central lab at Jeedimetla not only undertake seed samples verification and testing of their own samples but also undertake testing of Pvt.seed samples of different seed companies at service charge of Rs.200/- per samples.
2 The QC laboratory does the following tests regularly.
1. Physical purity 2. Moisture 3. Germination 4. ODV
The quality control division also conducts field inspection of Certified seed and Foundation seed along with concerned District Manager(Seeds), both in Kharif and Rabi seasons to maintain seed quality in the field level.
And also check and verify the seed samples for quality, during seed processing at unit offices, both in Kharif and Rabi seasons, during their visit to the unit offices, and issue necessary instructions to the unit officers for maintaining quality in seeds. The quality control division also, verifies and scrutinizes he seed condemnation proposal sent by the unit officers after sales of seed in Kharif and Rabi seasons for unsold quantities which are not fit for seed in next seasons as the validity expires.


Seed quality forms a basic strategy for the development and sustainability of plant and crop production.
The science of evaluating the planting value of the seeds. By seed testing we can asses the quality attributes of the seed lots which have to be offered for sale and minimizing the risk of planting low quality seeds.
Objectives of seed testing

  • To determine the seed quality i.e., their sustainability for planning.
  • To identify seed quality problems and their probable causes.
  • To determine if seed meets established quality standard or labeling specifications.

The laboratory at Jeedimetla unit was established in the year 1992, with an objective to have internal check over the quality of the seeds provided by the seed production farmers and for analysis of service samples etc. over the years the number of samples analyzed is about in the range of 11000 to 12000 samples per annum.